A Secretive Life - uncovered


Ta Da! Here is the proof copy of my new novel, currently the only paperback copy in the world - but that will change within the week - when the book becomes available. I'll post the access details as soon as I have them. Over five years in the making plus plenty of false starts before that (and many changes of title) - this single book arrived by post heralded by nothing more than a knock at the door and a friendly 'too easy' from the postie. To be honest, I was dusting the house at the time (a thing I do not do often enough) and allowed the parcel to sit on the table while I finished off the bedroom. I don't know why I did this... having waited so long... Nervous expectation mixed with a ton of doubt? Some perverse hyper moment of suspension?  I suppose it was because, once the parcel was opened, a new phase would begin: proof reading, to start with - will there still be little mistakes, or some whopping blooper I've missed? And also, the really, really hard part - bringing this little treasure of mine into the light and asking, hoping, that some people somewhere will hear about it and even buy it.

It reminded me of opening nights in the theatre when I was one of the actors or the playwright - or indeed, hardest of all - both. That sick feeling! Worrying about whether it will be alright, wondering why on earth I put myself through such things. And the answer? An overwhelming need to be creative, to impart something that will be meaningful, engaging - and entertaining.

I am so delighted and honoured that Pamela Rabe, award winning actor and super-bad character in Wentworth agreed to read and then endorse my novel with 'A DELICIOUS READ' for the front cover. Praise indeed.

To round things off - here's the back cover complete with endorsements from Georgine Clarsen and Sylvia Martin:


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