Bubbling over
I have been celebrating with friends. Popping the cork on champagne. Yippee! Last week I secured a Literary Agent!
After my last post about the slowness of snails everything suddenly sped up. I tried a bit of lateral thinking ... and it paid off.
I am now represented by Martin Shaw, who is associated with Alex Adsett Publishing Services (they represent Melissa Lucashenko who just won the Miles Franklin Award - not that I'm name-dropping or anything). I couldn't be happier with this turn of events. Especially as Martin Shaw is "very excited" about my manuscript, and very positive about its publishing potential.
So one enormous hurdle scrambled over - and just a few more yet to come!
- and, but, here is a 1923 update: long story short: My manuscript is now published titled A Secretive Life and is available as paperback or eBook via all usual outlets (see more recent posts re). Martin Shaw and I parted company in the end, very amicably, and the champagne was good while it lasted!

Yay! So pleased for you Sara
ReplyDeleteI shall buy some buy some bubbly myself and join you a little behind the time celebration. Kisses!