Tis the season to be...

Yes, yes, let's be happy, on whichever side of the equator we're on, freezing or boiling/burning (Mother Nature desperately trying to tell us something)... But let's take a break from all the difficult things and find some together-ness and cheer. Some joyful harmony - however and whatever feels comfortable and best for you. Let's raise our glass to that.
I was going to have a bit of a rant about the fact that the Australian government has eliminated the word 'Arts' from its ministerial departments. The Arts in now embedded (hidden) somewhere inside the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The Arts, that thing that creates far more jobs, wealth and attendance numbers - and sense of Culture, here and overseas - than our beloved Sport. Its 'reassignment' feels like the beginning of an episode of Yes, Prime Minister, but unfortunately the farce is all too real.
I will desist from saying more - but it's worth protesting about - and you can do so here:
Add your name to a statement in support of the arts.
Meanwhile ... the manuscript of my novel is in the hands of several publishers, some promising responses so far... hoping for good news to report in the new year.
In the meantime - I wish you Joy, Happiness and moments of lovely Calm over the Festive Season.
And all you wish for yourself in the New Year!
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