Fateful Truth


Spring is bursting forth in this Melbourne neck of the woods and the proverbial light appears at the end of the tunnel as our Covid19 figures creep down around the 20s for the state of Victoria. If we keep this up, hold the line, our Stage 4 restrictions look like they'll be peeled back to ... well, Stage 3! So what will the Fates bring forth come Christmas? [politics aside] Will we have musicians playing to us in a 'live' venue where we're all in the same place at the same time breathing the same air? How I long to enjoy an Australian Chamber Orchestra concert ... I wonder if they could do such a thing outside, in the Melbourne Botanic Gardens maybe, or Sydney Myer Music Bowl? I'd love to hear what their marvellous instruments sound like in the open air - or anywhere. Wishful thinking I suppose - though I am reminded of what can be achieved when the gods and elements are on our side. Handel's Water Music was first performed from a barge on the River Thames for the edification of King George 1st as he sat in his royal vessel with his royal buddies as they progressed from Whitehall Palace to Chelsea on 17th July 1717. It was so successful the king ordered the musicians to play the piece several times, there and back. (I do hope they were paid a royal sum as consequence.) 

The above image 'Naked musical Trio' is a copy of a painting by the wonderful British artist Beryl Cook (1926-2008). She had a fabulous sense of humour - which is what we all continue to need these 'interesting' times.

mini update from a Spring 2022 viewpoint: 

Time passed, and the music almost stopped; yet wonderful musicians still found a way to play despite the lockdowns, the lockdowns, the lockdowns! What a privilege to be able to go to live concerts again now, and plays, and dance and exhibitions etc. Who are we if we cannot perform the essence of our culture?


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