A Talk on Edna Walling - Nov 24 Lilydale

Edna Walling is very much in the air - or should I say in the garden, her spirit anyway. Well over 3000 people visited Bickleigh Vale Village earlier this month during the Open Gardens Victoria day. I was there. Eight gardens were open. It was stunningly beautiful.

I've been asked to give a talk on this wonderful woman, details below.
(p.s. Still no news on the novel/publisher front, fingers crossed, nails terribly bitten.)


Edna Walling
The Woman Who Grew A Village

Edna Walling (1895-1973) walks across a cow paddock and has a vision… “I shall build a village here,” she said. And over time, that is exactly what she did.

Join author Sara Hardy as she explores the journey that led Edna Walling to create a village on a hill in Mooroolbark. Bickleigh Vale Village brought together Edna Walling’s ideals and ideas about design, nature and community. It is her living legacy, an oasis of beautiful thinking.

The question we are seeking to uncover is: who was the woman behind this grand idea?

About the author
Sara Hardy is a playwright, biographer and associate honorary fellow of the University of Melbourne. She trained in theatre and dance at Dartington College of Arts, Devon, UK. Her plays have been performed in Australia, UK, Canada and USA. Sara was inspired to write her first biography, The Unusual Life of Edna Walling, after portraying the famous Australian landscape designer in a theatre performance. Her manuscript won the Peter Blazey Award for Life Writing (2004). Her second biography celebrates the sporting Australian opera singer and golf champion: Dame Joan Hammond. Sara has recently completed her first novel.
Edna Walling – The Woman Who Grew A Village
Sun 24 Nov 2pm – 3pm
Yarra Ranges Regional Museum
35 - 37 Castella Street, Lilydale
Tickets $10 (bookings required)

IMAGE CREDIT: Self Portrait, Edna Walling (photographer) Courtesy of Picture Collection, State Library of Victoria

In conjunction with...
Stories Behind the Façade
Sat 9 Nov – Sun 26 Jan 2020
Yarra Ranges Regional Museum

Proudly supported by Yarra Ranges Council’s Grants for Community.



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