Nelly & Nadine - an extraordinary documentary film

Nadine and Nelly I had the privilege of seeing this wonderful documentary during the Melbourne Queer Film Festival (18-21 Nov 2022). There was only one showing and I am SO glad I went. The above two women were from very different backgrounds but their work for the French Resistance during WW2 brought them together in the worst of all places, the living hell of Ravensbrück concentration camp. They fall in love, but are separated. The spirit of their love helps them to endure unspeakable horrors, yet they do not know if the other has survived … until much later. It's a story of courage, resilience, survival and a wonderful love. And for once, this is a story of two lesbians finding, then losing, then finding each other again - and having a truly happy ever after (as far as they could, given their horrific experiences). Post war, Nadine was an amateur photographer in possession of a movie camera - she documented their happy life. Both women are fascinating in their own right - as a ...