Ruth Roellig and Berlin's Lesbian Women

Ruth Roellig (1878-1969), author, journalist and travel writer, is best known for her guidebook Berlins lesbische Frauen – Berlin’s Lesbian Women, first published in 1928, reprinted until its banning by the Nazis circa 1938. More than a guidebook, it was a rousing social and political rallying call – there is struggle, Ruth wrote, ‘but side by side with that, the joy of dancing’. The Forward to this 72-page book was written by pioneering sexologist and activist Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935). Hirschfeld founded the Institute for Sexual Research and was an outspoken advocate for homosexuals, lesbians, sexual minorities and transgender rights. He was also gay – so no wonder Ruth Roellig asked him to officially endorse and introduce her remarkable book. Berlins lesbische Frauen was a guide like no other, listing and describing all the lesbian-identified social contacts and venues which included twelve social clubs, two ice-skating leagues, at least one nudist retreat, three outdoor sport...