Toupie Lowther on Remembrance Day
It seems fitting to remember and celebrate honorary Commander Toupie Lowther who with Norah Hackett established the all-woman Ambulance Unit that was brought together via private funding (mainly rich ladies in the UK) and served under the French Army during World War 1. When Lowther and Hackett approached the British Army with their unit of ambulances and skilled drivers, complete with their own uniform - their assistance was declined by the British. It wasn't women's work... The French saw it differently and were delighted to accept the Unit's help. Toupie Lowther was first in command of the ambulances, and Norah Hackett took charge of the portable canteen that norished wounded soldiers while they waited for further transport. Toupie Lowther and many of her unit were awarded top war honours from the French at the end of the war. There were many dangers as they were close to the front line on numerous occasions but amazingly, thankfully, no serious casualties, though emoti...