A Winter Garden is a Lovesome Thing

Our backyard garden: It always heartens me when these lovely colours push through before Spring can be hoped for. Winter flowers ... primulas, cyclamens, and a touch of orange marigold somehow still hanging on since summer - and the green is native violets, plus nasturtium and even a touch of robust parsley. A bird bath and bird feeder, and a path heading towards the sun. ... And so one must remain optimistic, thankful for Nature's miracles, and hopeful that when we get to the other side of Covid19 we will be treating each other, as well as Mother Nature, with far more tender loving kindness than heretofore. And while we're enjoying the diversity of colours (have you noticed how many shades of green there are in this picture?) - it just happens to be Wear it Purple day - a day to celebrate and support young (and surely older?) people to feel proud and safe to be who they are on the rainbow spectrum of sex, sexuality and gender - remembering that we can be any kind of...