“Well-behaved women rarely make history.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Happy International Women's Day for March 8th. We absolutely must celebrate half the human race - however that half is not exactly getting its equal share, even now, according to the UN. The United Nations presented its overview this week and it shows a sobering lack of progress, indeed we’re going backwards: “The review of women’s rights shows that despite some progress, no country has achieved gender equality”, said UN Women’s Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. “Only half is an equal share and only equal is enough”, she stressed. Here are the major points: · * Over the past 20 years, progress on women’s access to paid work has ground to a halt as they continue to shoulder the bulk of unpaid care and domestic work – less than two thirds between the ages of 25-54 are in the labour force. · * Nearly one-in-five women have faced violence from an intimate partner in the past year, fue...