I went to a marvelous party

L Ellis & S Hardy performing in Radclyffe , 1987. * I went to a marvelous party, I must say the fun was intense, We all had to do, What the people we knew Would be doing a hundred years hence. We talked about growing old gracefully And Elsie who's seventy-four Said, A, it's a question of being sincere, And B, if you're supple you've nothing to fear. Then she swung upside down from a glass chandelier, I couldn't have liked it more. (lyrics: Noel Coward) I went to the marvelous and fabulous Coming Back Out Salon presented by All The Queens Men in celebration of LGBTI+ elders. It was held on Saturday 9 November at Melbourne’s luscious Mural Hall (suitably Art Deco) and there was a generous high-class mix of entertainment - not least world famous cellist Y...